OneSeed Expeditions

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What's the Weather Like at Machu Picchu?

If you're considering a trip to Machu Picchu, it's a good idea to learn what the temperature and precipitation will be like by month. While weather is always a bit unpredictable, being prepared for seasonal changes on the trail is a good place to start.

Average temperatures throughout the year:

Average temperatures (in Fahrenheit) may reach the high 60’s but can drop as low as low 30’s. It is important to note that during the day it may be warm but as the sun goes down temperatures can drop up to 30 degrees. For current weather updates, click on the Current Weather link.


Average precipitation throughout the year:

The rainy months are usually October to March and the driest season is typically April to September.


Weather on the trail to Machu Picchu is always changing and impossible to predict. Carefully following the expedition packing list will keep you prepared for any conditions. For more information on what to pack, don’t hesitate to contact our team anytime.